Career Roundtable - Rise with Gratefulness: How Gratitude and Positivity Shape Your Life's Purpose.
Katreena Hayes-Wood, is the co-founder and co-chair for the Native American Women’s Conference. She is also the owner of Career Services Network, LLC and is a best-selling author, Career Development Professional, and Certified Behavioral Specialist. She has spent over two decades working with Native American communities across the United States.
Her various roles include providing work readiness and team development training, speaking at Native conferences on the current trends in the workplace. She is a regular presenter at the National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference and the Consortia of Administrators of Native American Rehabilitation.
Among her awards for community service and business acumen, Katreena is the recipient of the National Top Ten Business Women's Award from the American Business Women Association, The Chairman's Award for Outstanding Community Service from Target Training International, and the Arizona Career and Technical Education Association's Visible Difference Award.
Katreena has worked in Indian Country for over two decades serving nearly 50 Native communities and organizations, she specialized in the areas of workforce programs such as WIA/WIOA, TERO, and Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation.
Katreena Hayes-Wood
Career Services Network, LLC.
7942 W. Bell Rd
Suite C5-422
Glendale AZ, 85308
P: 623.256.3033